Top 5 weight-loss spices

Top 5 weight-loss spices

Spices, like many fruits and vegetables, contain antioxidants and vitamins. They endow the body with positive qualities such as protection against diseases (cancer, heart attack, diabetes, arthritis) and inflammation. But another important function they fulfill is weight loss.

Let’s take a closer look at which spices promote weight loss.


Basil is an herb that is dried, crushed and obtained spices. The herb is an anti-inflammatory healing agent that eliminates allergies and diseases of the intestinal tract. Basil also eliminates harmful bacteria that have accumulated in the body and is a source of beta-carotene. The spice prevents diseases such as: heart disease, cancer and slows down the aging process. Basil contains vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium.


Cinnamon – is one of the main spices containing many antioxidants. Cinnamon normalizes blood sugar levels. It is useful for those people who have diabetes. By consuming 2 spoons of cinnamon a day you can reduce the risk of diseases and inflammation. The spice helps to eliminate joint pain and prevent osteoarthritis, has a positive effect on brain function and improves memory and concentration. Cinnamon reduces inflammation in blood vessels and fights viruses and bacteria.

Chili pepper

Chili pepper. Thanks to its spicy flavor, chili quickly localizes the appearance of bacteria or viruses, accelerates metabolism, as a consequence helps to burn fat.Chili peppers are good for the health of the stomach, releasing such enzymes that eliminate ulcers and other inflammation. Ground hot pepper will significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels and is a preventive agent against cardiovascular disease. It is worth saying that thanks to its properties and antioxidants, chili removes harmful substances from the body, protects the immune system and eliminates headaches. stroke and brain diseases.


Curcuma is a powerful remedy that detects and kills cancer cells. It is often added to medicines. Curcuma is also an anti-inflammatory agent, a defense against stroke and brain disease. It is good for bowel function, treating arthritis and other chronic disorders. Also, turmeric improves liver function, speeds up metabolism and is recommended in diets.


Ginger contains about 25 antioxidants that can fight external irritants, viruses and bacteria. Ginger is a spice that helps to eliminate nausea and vomiting, speed up metabolism . It also promotes the excretion of toxins and is a diuretic. The spice performs antibacterial and anti-inflammatory functions, used for sore throats, colds, arthritis and muscle aches. Regular consumption of ginger in food or ginger tea helps to reduce weight, prevent the occurrence of stroke and cancer.


Apart from the function of weight loss, these and other spices perform other important tasks in the human body. Strong anti-inflammatory agents are – rosemary, basil, ginger and turmeric.

Spices that help normalize blood sugar levels are cumin, coriander and chili pepper. Nutmeg, saffron and bay leaf have a calming effect. Garlic, mustard, chicory and hawthorn are considered preventive for heart health. Turmeric, garlic, ginger and saffron are used to boost immunity and prevent seasonal illnesses.

Are you depressed? Are you often in stressful situations? We recommend eating coriander, rosemary and black pepper. Do you want your skin to be soft, smooth and wrinkle-free? Then add spices like basil and cumin to your diet. All these spices should be present in every home, in the kitchen of the hostess. They will not only be an excellent, odorous addition to the dish, but also bring great benefit to the body. When containing a diet or dietary restrictions, spices will help to achieve the goal of not limiting you in taste.


